Thursday, March 24, 2016

"Semana Santa" - Holy Week Celebrations in Cozumel

On a group trip I led to Cozumel one year, we had the pleasure of being on the island during the festive time of Pascua (Easter).  A culture deeply-rooted in Christian traditions and customs derived from the Spanish, the season of Pascua is a very important part of the Mexican heritage. What a perfect opportunity for visitors to soak up a few cultural traditions.

Pascua - A Season of Repentance & Celebration

The season of Pascua begins with Miercoles de Ceniza (Ash Wednesday).  This is a day of fasting and attendance at mass where those worshiping are marked with the sign of the cross in ash on their forehead as a symbol of repentance before God.  The season continues through Cuaresma (Lent), a 40-day period of repentance and reflection. Domingo de Ramos (Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Semana Santa (Holy Week) with the celebration of the triumphant arrival of Jesus on the back of a donkey, into the city of Jerusalem. In Cozumel, masses are held at Iglesia de San Migues and Iglesia de Corpus Christi, followed by candlelit vigils and the symbolic burning of an effigy of Judas.

Domingo de Pascua - Celebration of the Resurrection

On Domingo de Pascua (Easter Sunday) altars are adorned with flowers and the streets are colorfully decorated for the celebratory Easter parade. People gather in the Plaza Central de San Miguel de Cozumel for music and fun.  And children carry on the tradition of Cascarones.  Chasing each other with brightly colored Easter eggs, they crack the fragile shells  filled with confetti over each others' heads.  Breaking a cascaron over someone's head is said to bring good luck.

Where Did Cascarones Come From?

Believed to have originated in China, it is rumored cascarones were brought to Europe by Marco Polo. Filled with powdered perfume and capped with wax, they were first used as a courting ritual in Italy. Men would throw them at women they found attractive. This custom then spread to Spain and then in the mid-1800s brought to Mexico by Emperor Maximilian’s wife. It was in Mexico that the perfumed powder was replaced with confetti.

In order to make cascarones, use a pin or knife to break a hole at the small end of the egg and pour the egg out. Clean the shell out and let dry. Next, decorate as you please and let dry again. After it is dried, fill the egg with confetti or a small toy. Finally, apply glue around the outside of the hole and cover with colorful tissue paper. And there you have it, your own cascaron. My husband's aunt collects cartons of cleaned eggshells from friends & family all year long. At the end of the annual Easter bbq, after the Easter egg hunt, she hauls out her stash of cascarones and the colorful family fun continues.  Maybe it's time for your family to carry on the tradition, if you don't already.

Do you have a family Easter tradition you would like to share?  I'd love to hear about it.

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Caribbean Vacation During Hurricane Season? Are You Nuts?

These days most of us are still trying to max out the value we get for our dollar.  I mean who wouldn't - right?  That includes trying to get the most bang for your hard-earned buck when it comes time for your well-deserved vacation.  Everyone always wants more for less, which often leads us to bargain shop.  Well, sometimes you can achieve that goal of awesome value while paying a little less, if you decide to take a gamble on Mother Nature.  I'm talking about traveling to the Caribbean during hurricane season.

This is when those great values (and smaller crowds) can be found

Now when I talk about value, I'm not talking about bargain-basement cheap.  I'm talking about shopping for a package that is worth every penny.  Given the unpredictability of the hurricane season, tourism will drop off a bit and island resorts will generally lower their prices to attract those travelers willing to take a risk.  This is when those great values (and smaller crowds) can be found.

The North Atlantic Ocean hurricane season generally runs from June through November, with the greatest chance of hurricanes peaking during the period of late August into October.  You'll find that a lot of people shy away from traveling to the Caribbean during this time of year, but this is when resorts wanting your business will lower prices or add more into their packages.  Smart travelers, with good travel insurance, who are willing to take a chance, know this is the time to take advantage of some awesome values and quieter islands.

The most informed travelers know there are a few lucky islands out there that don't seem to suffer from hurricanes that often and still offer great values during this season.  Islands closer to South America, like the ABC's (Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao), are rarely affected by hurricanes because these storms tend to travel away from the equator.  Other safe bets are Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago.  Most days of the year it's business as usual for these southeastern Caribbean islands.  Conditions in September are often much like they are in February, but you pay a better price to travel there.

Always make sure to hedge your bet

But let's not forget one important thing when deciding to gamble, always make sure to hedge your bets.  Yes, I'm talking about buying travel insurance.  Most travel insurance packages will cover cancellation or interruption if a destination is deemed uninhabitable, as long as the policy was purchased before the storm was named.  The cost of hedging you bet is calculated  based on the destination, the trip cost, the benefits desired, your age and where you reside.  It is a small price to pay (generally between 3-10% of your vacation price) for peace of mind.  And definitely well worth it if you need to use it.

And if a hurricane does strike...

These days Caribbean resorts are more experienced at dealing with the impact of a hurricane and are better at planning ahead and activating shelters or evacuation plans because of improved communications about the storm's predicted path.  Weather forecasters can now alert islands when a storm forms along the African coast and more accurately predict the storm's ETA.  So, if you have indeed booked your vacation and a hurricane looks like it is going to hit, don't panic (insurance or not).  These days, if an impending storm looks serious, most hotels and airlines will let guests cancel or reschedule without penalty, but make sure to ask about hurricane season policies at the time you book.  Find out how your airline, resort, and even car rental, inform their guest when a hurricane is approaching, what actions they take, and what refund policies they have in place.  Keep in mind that a direct hit to any one particular destination by a major hurricane is an extremely rare event.  If trouble seems to be looming before you depart from home, make sure to inquire again about all your options to be completely informed before making a decision about your vacation plans.

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Freaky Fish Friday - Splendid Toadfish (Sanopus splendidus)

Scientific Name:  Sanopus splendidus
Category:  Toadfishes
Also known as:  Coral Toadfish
Size:  4-6 inches
Depth:  25-60 feet
Distribution:  Cozumel (Endemic)


The splendid toadfish, Sanopus splendidus, also known as the coral toadfish, is a species of toadfish found only near the island of Cozumel.  The splendid toadfish stands out from other members of the toadfish family because of its vibrant colors. It has bright yellow fins that contain distinctive patterning, and its head is covered with dark and white stripes.  The species has a total of eight fins; two dorsal fins, two pectoral fins, two pelvic fins, a caudal fin and an anal fin.  With the exception of the pelvic fins, all the fins are bordered by the bright yellow coloring. Quite the dapper little dude - don't you think?


Don't think he looks like your typical toadfish?  Well, the structural features of the species are indeed similar to other members in the toadfish family.  Common characteristics are the flat and broadened head, and the barbells.  Like most species that dwell close to the sand, the splendid toadfish has eyes located on the top of its head which look directly upwards as there is mostly no need for a horizontal vision.  Small and sharp teeth also fill wide jaws.


The splendid toadfish is a shy creature despite its brilliant coloring.  You will have to peek under coral outcroppings to find this little guy.  Look for a sloping sand patch near the base of the coral to find their dens.  Don't be disappointed when they don't come out to say "hola", they are difficult to coax out from their homes.

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Thursday, March 3, 2016


I know everyone hates the dreaded airport security lines.  Well did you know there is some good news out there for you?  You might have even seen the signs when standing in line, but weren't quite sure what they meant.  Well now you do.

These days TSA is offering an expedited screening program to provide travelers with a better, faster experience.  The TSA Pre✓® program offers U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals and lawful permanent residents who qualify as low risk the opportunity to receive a more convenient and efficient security screening process.  No need to remove shoes, laptops, liquids, belts or light jackets anymore.

Now Available in Over 150 Airports with 12 Participating Airlines

This new service is now offered in more than 150 airports around the country with 12 participating airlines, including:

·         Air Canada
·         Hawaiian Airlines
·         Sun Country
·         Alaska Airlines
·         JetBlue Airways
·         United Airlines
·         American Airlines
·         OneJet
·         Virgin America
·         Delta Air Lines
·         Southwest Airlines
·         WestJet

TSA Pre✓® is available for passengers traveling domestically (within the United States) or internationally when departing from a U.S. airport to a location outside the country. Passengers may also be eligible for TSA Pre✓® when connecting to a domestic flight after returning to the U.S. from a foreign country.  TSA Pre✓® is generally available full-time or during peak times at participating airports.

How Do I Get TSA Pre✓® for Me?

To qualify for TSA Pre✓® first you must go online to apply at Apply for TSA Pre✓® or complete the entire process in person at an enrollment center.  You can locate your closest Application Center using the link above.  Then you must schedule an appointment, either online or by calling (855) 347-8371.

Whether you apply online or at an Application Center, you will be required to bring the proper identity document(s) in person to an enrollment center and provide your fingerprints along with payment.  This application process will require you to pay a non-refundable $85 fee valid for 5 years in this program.

Once you have submitted all the required information to the Application Center, you should receive a response from TSA within 2-3 weeks. If TSA clears you, you will receive notification via first-class mail with your known traveler number, which you can then use to fill in the KTN section on airline reservations and profiles.  You can also check the status of your application online. 

What's a "Known Traveler Number" (KTN)?

If you are approved to participate in the TSA Pre✓® program, you will be given a “Known Traveler Number” (KTN) to use when making flight reservations.  For your convenience, you can add this to your profile on any of the participating airlines you frequently use and it will be entered automatically when booking travel on their website. If booking travel through a third-party website, just enter the provided number in the ‘known traveler number’ field when making your travel reservations.  When making flight arrangements with your favorite travel agent, just provide them with your KTN like you would your frequent flyer number and they will take care of the rest.

Participating airlines will then print an indicator on your boarding pass for security to see.  When you arrive at the airport, you will now be able to use the specially marked lanes to help whiz you right through the security screening process.

* It should be remembered that TSA incorporates unpredictable security measures throughout the airport and no passenger is guaranteed expedited screening.

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