Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How About Those New Year Resolutions?

I just can't believe it is almost the middle of February already! 2014 seems to be whizzing by and all those great plans I had for starting the new year off right seem to be slipping through my fingers. I don't know about you, but I really am not one to make resolutions. I've given up those lofty aspirations of getting in shape and losing weight at the beginning of the year. It seems like every year there is a big rush to go to the gym in January and by this time all those newbie go-getters have faded from the cardio machines. So much for resolve. How goes it with your resolutions? 

I prefer to call them goals these days and I can't think of any better goals than those that relate to TRAVEL...my favorite thing. My goal in 2014 is to finally master the Spanish language (or at least be able to carry on a decent conversation with someone). I've tried many times in my life to achieve this, but I swear to myself this is the year. I am determined. Guess I better get started on that...don't you think? 

Anyway...back to what are your travel goals for the year? I think everyone should set some basic travel goals for themselves each year and broaden their horizons. What kind of goals do you ask? Well here are just a few, but please feel free to add some more.

1. Go some place you have never gone before. 

- Now this could be as exotic as Southeast Asia or a Fijian island, or it could be just up the road to a local "tourist" spot such as Laguna Beach, or over to the next state maybe to see the geologic wonder that is the Grand Canyon. But be bold and venture out to see and experience something different. Although it is nice, and there is nothing wrong with doing it, returning to the same stomping grounds year after year, over and over again, can be mundane. Break out of your rut and plan an adventure to a new destination! 

2. Do some research before you go and learn a little about the culture and the geography. 

- As divers, I know we tend to focus on what is beneath the surface of the sea, but what about what is beneath the surface of the people living where we are going to visit? I think it is fascinating to learn about a destination's natural wonders like its flora, fauna and geology, as well as a bit of the history of where I am traveling to. I think you can't truly appreciate a destination if you don't learn about its culture and how it came to be. 

On that subject, my next travel goal would be... 

3. Experience the culture by visiting with the people. 

- This may be as simple as visiting a museum, to as fun as visiting the local farmers market. One of my more fond memories while traveling in Palau was the night I spent at the community festival held in Koror. We looked at the wares being sold by the locals, tasted the delicious food, and enjoyed an exhibition of traditional dance. Getting out and milling with the locals is the best way to experience this far off place you have traveled to. 

And speaking about experiencing local life... 

4. You never really get to know a culture, until you taste its food. 

- Now I am not suggesting that you make yourself ill by tasting some questionable, perishable street food, but maybe you can ask the restaurant staff at the resort where you are staying if they might offer a local dish on their menu one night. Or brave out beyond your resort and find a restaurant the "locals" patronize to experience their food. I've tried a delicious taro dish in Fiji, bat in Palau, balut in the Philippines, and these tasty empanada-like treats in Bonaire. I have found the flavor of the people is in the flavor of their food. 

And for a final goal, let's go back to where I started this blog... 

5. Learn the language. 

- Not necessarily become fluent in the language of this new destination you have chosen, but at least learn some key words and phrases. For example, it would be polite to know at least "please" and "thank you", as well as "hello" and "good night". You may not say it perfectly, but you will be surprised at how much your efforts to at least try are appreciated. Applying yourself to assimilate to the local culture will bring you more smiles and open doors then expecting the people you are visiting to bend to your ways.

Now those are just a few travel goals I set for myself every year. I think they are pretty easy for anyone to follow. Give them a try and you'll be surprised how your travel experiences take on a whole new light. Get out of the water for a little while. Go beyond the confines of your all-inclusive resort. Experience everything you can in this destination you have worked so hard to travel to. EXPERIENCE THE WORLD AROUND US!! EXPERIENCE LIFE!

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